Muscadine Memories
Our vineyards are located about two miles from the nursery and our retail location. To get to the vineyard one would have to drive down a winding dirt road that I have probably driven down or rode shotgun thousands of times.

Down this road is where our Aunt Vivian lives, Aunt Mildred lived, and the old home place where our grandparents lived. As a child and even as an adult you would look to see if they were outside, getting the mail, or sitting on the porch. Many times a simple wave was in order or we would pull in for a glass of sweet tea and a few minutes of conversation.
Even though Aunt Mildred and our grandparents have passed, I will still catch myself looking over at their homes hoping to catch a glimpse of them. Even while working in the vineyards today, I will remember conversations I had with our father and can still picture Dr. Fry and his red pick up truck working in the seedling vineyard making crosses to develop new muscadine varieties.
Our Grandmother, Addie Mae and our Mother Leola would make Muscadine Hull Cobblers from time to time and I can still smell the aroma when they would take the cobbler out of the oven. For our family, many of our most cherished memories revolve around the vineyard and muscadines. During this years harvest season I still wave to Aunt Vivian if she’s outside watering her flowers, and I still try to catch a glimpse of those who have passed.
I hope this season gives you the opportunity to recall fond memories or to begin new ones. For us, Muscadine Memories are the sweetest.
Let’s Grow Together
Greg Ison