Ison's Nursery & Vineyard > Products > Prime Arkansas 45 Blackberry Plant

Prime Arkansas 45 Blackberry Plant

SKU: Blackberry:Prime Ark 45


Category: Blackberry Plants

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SKU: Blackberry:Prime Ark 45 Categories: ,

Product Description

*** Blackberry Plants ship from December through April ***
*** We ship to colder states beginning in late March and early April UNLESS requested earlier.
⇒  If you live in Virginia or above please tell us in the comments if you would like your order shipped ASAP or in April 2024.

Prime Ark® 45 a release from Dr. John Clark and University of Arkansas.

Prime Ark 45 is a thorny upright blackberry.  This early ripening, primocane-fruiting blackberry produces excellent fruit ideal for your home garden.  The fruit is very tasty,  dark purple-black, medium sized berries.  The berries store well and have an excellent shelf life.  Heaviest yields are on second-year canes beginning in early summer.  Plants are very disease resistant and cold hardy.  Canes fruit until frost.  Everbearing primocane.

Most blackberry plants produce flowers and fruit on floricanes, canes that don’t begin bearing fruit until their second year. In addition, Prime-Ark 45 produces berries on primocanes, or first-year canes.  Floricane berries on Prime-Ark 45 are ready for picking from early to mid-June. Primocane berries are ready for picking around August and can last into the fall until frost.

Zones: 6-9        2 year old plants

Blackberry Planting Instructions

Additional Information

Weight .25 lbs
Dimensions .5 × .5 × 14 in

Product Details

Fruit Color: Black
Fruit Size: Very Large
Ripens/Harvest: June
pH: 6.0 - 6.5
Years to Bear: 2 Yrs
Zone Range: 6 - 9
Plant Spacing: 3-5 ft
Pollination: Self-Fruitful
Sun/Shade: Full sun
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