Ison's Nursery & Vineyard > Products > Currant – White Imperial

Currant – White Imperial

SKU: Currants:White Imperial

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SKU: Currants:White Imperial Categories: , ,

Product Description


*** Currant plants ship from mid-December through April ***
*** We ship to colder states beginning in late March and early April UNLESS you request it to ship earlier.
If you live above Virginia, please tell us in the comments if you would like your muscadine order shipped ASAP or if you prefer for us to ship in April 2025.

We Do Not Ship Current Plants To North Carolina or DE, ME, NJ, WV, VA, MI, MA, OH, or RI.*


The White Imperial Currant has a delectable sweetness and pearly, translucent color, Imperial White may be one of the best currants on the market for fresh-from-the bush eating.

The White Imperial currant is the same size as the Red Lake. Produces white translucent fruit with pink blush. Richest and sweetest flavor of all currants. Very disease resistant.

Plant 6′ apart.  Fruits the 2nd year.  5-6 ft. in height and 4′-5′ in width

Zones: 3-8

* We Do Not Ship Current Plants To North Carolina or DE, ME, NJ, WV, VA, MI, MA, OH, or RI.*


Additional Information

Weight .50 lbs
Dimensions .5 × .5 × 16 in

Product Details

Fruit Color: White-Pink
Fruit Size: .4-.7"
Ripens/Harvest: July
Years to Bear: 2-3 Yrs
Zone Range: 3 - 8
Plant Spacing: 6 ft
Pollination: Self-Fruitful
Mature Plant Size: 4-6 ft
Sun/Shade: Semi-shade
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