Product Description
*** They ship from January through April ***
*** We ship to colder states beginning in late March and early April UNLESS you request it to ship earlier.
If you live above Virginia, please tell us in the comments if you would like your muscadine order shipped ASAP or if you prefer for us to ship in April 2025
The Chojuro Asian Pear Tree is also called an apple pear. This variety is known as the most flavorful Asian Pear of all varieties. Chojuro is a very popular variety and people love it because it has a unique flavor similar to butterscotch. The skin is a green to yellow brown russet colors. The fruit is crisp, juicy and extremely flavorful. Fruit ripens in late August to mid September and will continue bearing several months. Chojuro is self-pollinating and will bear alone but will bear more fruit when planted with another Asian Pear.
Trees are or 4-5′ with a 1/2″ caliper
Zones 5-8 Chill Hours: 400-500