Ison's Nursery & Vineyard > Products > Pakistan Mulberry Tree

Pakistan Mulberry Tree

SKU: Instant Mulberry:Ins Pakistan

Pakistan Mulberry Tree. Produces 3-5" long maroon to black berries. Very sweet and flavorful. Long fruiting season. Ripens spring to early summer. Zones 6-10.

Category: I/O Mulberry Trees

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Product Description


*** I/O Mulberry Trees ship from mid-January through April ***
*** We ship to colder states beginning in late March and early April UNLESS requested earlier.
If you live in Virginia or above tell us in the comments if you want your order shipped as soon as they are  available or in April 2024.

The Pakistan Mulberry Tree is a unique fruit to add to your home garden. It is often called the King of Mulberries because the fruit can reach 4 to 5 inches long and it has a unique flavor that is sweet and tart. The fruit is dark ruby red-purple with a sweet raspberry/blackberry like flavor.  The Pakistan mulberry tree is self-fertile and has a long fruiting season from late spring through mid summer.

Ripens April Through Mid Summer

Zones: 6-10       Chill Hours: 400

This tree is self-fertile, meaning you do not need to plant another tree nearby to fertilize it. It is very tolerant of heat, humidity, sun, droughts, and poor soil. It is pest and disease resistant.

These are fast-growing fruit trees and should begin to produce a crop in two to three years.

Plant in full sun in loamy, sandy, well-drained soil.

These trees have a 3/4 –  1″ Caliper and many are approximately 6-7′ tall. The trees are not guaranteed to fruit the year of planting although many will. By ordering larger trees you in essence are buying time. You will shorten the amount of time it takes for your trees to reach fruit bearing age and enjoy the benefit of harvesting fruit sooner.

We do not ship fruit trees to California.

Product Details

Fruit Color: Purple
Fruit Size: Very large, 4 to 5 inches
Ripens/Harvest: April Through Mid Summer
Years to Bear: 2-3
Zone Range: 6-10
Pollination: Self-fertile
Mature Plant Size: 20-25'
Spread: 20'
Chill Hours: 400
Sun/Shade: Sun
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