Ison's Nursery & Vineyard > Products > Seckel Pear Tree -5-6′

Seckel Pear Tree -5-6′

SKU: Instant Pear:Ins Seckel

Seckel Pear Tree. Small to medium size. Extraordinary flavor. Also known as sugar pear. Ripens late Sept. 500 chill hours. Zones 5-8

Category: I/O Pear Trees

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SKU: Instant Pear:Ins Seckel Categories: , ,

Product Description


Generally ships from late January through April.


Sweet as sugar is what the Seckel pear tree has been called. This pear tree has pears with medium yellow russetted skin and exceptional flavor. A connoisseur’s delight. Fruit is smooth and extremely sweet and very juicy on the Seckel pear tree. A popular pear tree with a distinctive, spicy, rich, aromatic flavor. Self fruitful pear tree, but bears more if a second variety pear tree is planted. Ripens late September.

3/4-1″ caliper

These trees have a  3/4 ”  Caliper and are approximately 5-6′ tall.  By ordering larger trees you in essence are buying time. You will shorten the amount of time it takes for your trees to reach fruit bearing age and enjoy the benefit of harvesting fruit sooner.

Product Details

Fruit Color: Redish Burgundy
Fruit Size: Medium
Ripens/Harvest: Sept.-Oct.
pH: 6.0-7.0
Years to Bear: 2-3
Zone Range: 5-8
Plant Spacing: 20 feet
Pollination: Requires cross-pollination
Chill Hours: 500
Sun/Shade: Full Sun
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