Ison's Nursery & Vineyard > Products > Bonfire Patio Peach Tree

Bonfire Patio Peach Tree

SKU: Patio Peach:Bonfire 18"

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Category: Peach

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SKU: Patio Peach:Bonfire 18" Categories: ,

Product Description


*** They ship from January through April ***
*** We ship to colder states beginning in late March and early April UNLESS you request it to ship earlier.
If you live above Virginia, please tell us in the comments if you would like your muscadine order shipped ASAP or if you prefer for us to ship in April 2025.

The Bonfire Patio Peach Tree is a compact dwarf purple-leaf peach with beautiful spring blossoms covering every branch.  Beautiful tree even when not in bloom.

In April the Bonfire Patio Peach tree is covered in stunning pink blooms that have a coral pink eye. The blooms are quickly replaced by long dark purple leaves.

This tree only grows 4-7′ tall and is meant for a container on a patio.  Perfect for small spaces. Used mainly for ornamental, landscape purposes

Trees are 3-4′  with a 1/2″ caliper

Zones 5-8       Chill Hours: 400

Product Details

Fruit Color: Yellow skin overspread with red
Fruit Size: Large
Ripens/Harvest: July
Zone Range: 5-9
Pollination: Self-fertile
Mature Plant Size: 5 ft
Chill Hours: 400
Sun/Shade: Sun
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