Ison's Nursery & Vineyard > Products > Granny Val Muscadine

Granny Val Muscadine

SKU: Muscadine Bareroot:Granny Val

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SKU: Muscadine Bareroot:Granny Val Categories: , ,

Product Description

*** Muscadine vines ship from late November through April ***
*** We ship to colder states beginning in late March and early April UNLESS you request it to ship earlier.
If you live above Virginia, please tell us in the comments if you would like your muscadine order shipped ASAP or if you prefer for us to ship in April 2024.

The Granny Val muscadine vine is an excellent bronze self-fertile that produces fruit late in the season. Granny Val is the heaviest producing variety of all muscadines. The fruit quality is excellent and the skin is very edible. Due to this muscadine variety producing so much fruit, it may require fruit thinning to prevent over production. This just means you need to prune some of the fruit off the vine before ripening to allow the other fruit to be able to fully mature and sweeten.

This variety ripens mid to late season. We usually always end our season with fruit still on the vine of our Granny Val. We have picked it through October. This muscadine variety was developed here at Ison’s Nursery. Patent Protected #5822.

Only available in the 2-year bare-root size.  The Plus is sold out.

Muscadine planting instructions and how to videos.

Available Plant Sizes:

2 Year Bare-root – The majority of the plants we grow are 2 year bare-root.  The average length of the vines are 2-4′ with an excellent root system.

2 Year Bare-root Plus – Not Available

*** We recommend ***

Adding BLUE-X Plant Shelters to your Granny Val muscadine vines. BLUE-X Grapevine Shelters create a beneficial microclimate for each grapevine. The increased humidity and carbon dioxide levels in the growtubes accelerate plant growth and enhance vine survival. This will increase vine growth up to 150% the first year and will increase fruit yields your first harvest season. As an added benefit they protect young vines from rodents, rabbits and other herbivores.

We offer the only shelter on the market today that takes advantage of beneficial blue light!
It’s a small cost but offers a big reward for your vineyard.

To order Blue-X Plant Shelters click here

Additional Information


2 year Bare-root (2-4′), 2 year Bare-root Plus (4’+)

Product Details

Fruit Color: Bronze
Fruit Size: 1"
Uses: Fresh Eating
Sugar Content: 18%
Ripens/Harvest: Late to Very Late
pH: 6.0-6.5
Years to Bear: 2 Years
Zone Range: 7-10
Plant Spacing: 15-20 ft
Pollination: Self-Fertile
Depth: Top root 1-2" below ground
Spread: 15-20 ft
Fruit Yield: 60+ lbs
Sun/Shade: Full sun
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