Product Description
*** They generally ship from January through April ***
*** We ship to colder states beginning in late March and early April UNLESS requested earlier.
If you live in Virginia or above tell us in the comments if you want your order shipped as soon as they are available or in April 2025.
The Lang Jujube produces beautiful fruit that is 1 1/2″ long and pear shaped. A more upright grower than Li. Ripens early to mid-season.
Plant with the Li Jujube for pollination.
Jujubes are also known as a Chinese Date. The fruit is Pear-shaped and reddish-brown, dry, wrinkled, sweet and chewy (like dates) when fully ripe in early fall.
They are attractive and easy to grow tree. Jujube trees have a lovely form, with interesting zig-zag branches. They are hardy, drought resistant, virtually pest and disease free. Requires long, hot summer.
Grows 15-20′ tall
Trees are 4-5′
Zones: 5-10
Very Low Chill Hours requirement: 150